Jose Juarez Bueno

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Jose Juarez Bueno

Adult Salsa Instructor

Jose’s salsa dancing journey started later in life, but it all started in a small city in Puebla, Mexico. Growing up in Mexico, dance and music was an integral part of the culture. Cumbia dancing was the most common style growing up in his household.

The first time Jose was exposed to performing in front of people was when he was in second grade. Jose’s older brother, Emilio, was in a dance group performing for church and school functions. Jose persuaded his brother to let him perform with his team. At the tender age of 8, his family decided to move to the United States for better life opportunities. That move disrupted the curiosity to dive in deeper into dancing and performing.

Most of his time was consumed in learning a new language and how to interact with people in a whole new environment. Jose briefly dabbled with popping and locking in his last year of high school. Jose started his Jordance journey years after he graduated college. Through an ad on instagram he found Jordance and with zero knowledge about salsa dancing he decided to give it shot. He devoted three years to learn everything he could, and afterwards he became an instructor at Jordance Studios.

In the end, what Jose loves about salsa is that it let’s everyone interpret a song in their own unique way. From the basic steps to the more intricate ones, someone can add their own flavor and create their own style.
